Website created by Prairie Silver Quarter Horses © 2021. Please contact us for permission to use our content or images
METHODS OF PAYMENT: All prices are in Canadian Dollars (CAD) unless otherwise posted.  Canadian customers - we accept Cash, E-Transfers, PayPal, Certified Cheques or Direct Deposits. International/USA Customers - we accept Cash, PayPal, International E-Transfers, or Direct (Bank to Bank) Deposits. Please note: Certified Cheques take 10 business days to clear after receiving. Please consider this delay when arranging transport as the Horse cannot leave the property until all funds have cleared. No Exceptions.   DEPOSITS: We require a deposit of 25% to hold a horse. Horses will not be held without a deposit. First come, first serve. No Exceptions. Foals that have yet to be weaned can be held with a 25% deposit. We will not charge board for a foal that has not been weaned, however, once that foal has been weaned at 4-6 months of age, a boarding fee of $250/month will apply if the weanling has not been hauled by its designated pick up date. We will give plenty of notice as to when the foal will be weaned so that you can make arrangements for the foal to be transported to its new home. Unless previously agreed upon by us (in writing), a horse and/or foal will be subject to a boarding fee of $250/month under the following circumstances: horse(s) has had a deposit placed on it, but buyer has not made arrangements to have the horse hauled by the designated pick up date and/or buyer has not made further contact with us within 30 days of date deposit is received horse(s) has been paid for, but buyer has not made arrangements to have the horse hauled by the designated pick up date and/or buyer has not made further contact with us within 30 days of date full payment is received All Deposits are Non-Refundable, with the exception of the pending sale horse being severely injured or dying unexpectedly, in which case the deposit would be returned or moved to another horse of equal value (if available) as mutually agreed upon. All Boarding Fees (above) are Non-Refundable and must be paid in full before the horse leaves our property.   EXTRA COSTS: All extra costs include but not limited to: Coggins tests, health/veterinarian inspections, requested vaccinations, transportation fees, broker fees, unltrasound, and/or  International Health Certificates. These are at the buyers expense and must be paid in full before the Horse leaves our property. All extra costs are not included in the sale price of the horse and are Non-Refundable.   TRANSPORT: All purchasers are responsible to arrange transport for the purchased horse at their expense. If required, we can often assist in the arrangement of commercial transport for  your horse, but ultimately it is your responsibility. Please provide reliable contact information to both us and your transporter. INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: The closest International Shipping Service to us is Overseas Horse Service (OHS) (www.overseashorseservices.com) that flies out of Calgary, Alberta. OHS provides a pickup service from our ranch to their Quarantine facilities in Cochrane, AB, where horses are required to be quarantined for one month before flying overseas. Please note: The Horse cannot leave our property until all fees are paid in full and/or Certified Cheques have cleared.
APPOINTMENTS: To better serve you, please CONTACT US to schedule an appointment. We understand that the unexpected happens along the way, but please remember that we have day jobs and often have to arrange time off work to meet you, so we ask you to be courteous and call ahead of time if you will be significantly delayed or are unable to make the appointment as arranged. PRIVACY: Prairie Silver Quarter Horses is committed to maintaining the privacy of its visitors. No information collected by this site will be sold, rented, traded or given to any third party organizations. Any information received will be kept in the strictest confidence. Prairie Silver Quarter Horses will not accept or respond to any requests for information from any child under the age of 14. Please read COPPA for further details about this law. All persons under the age of 14 must have permission from their legal guardian before placing name, email address and/or private information anywhere on this website. This site contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of those websites.   COPYRIGHT: Copyright © 2015-2024. All Rights Reserved. Domestic and International copyright and trademark laws protect the entire contents of this website, including the original  database and all related graphics, images, texts and materials. You are welcome to ask us to link to our site and/or put a link on our website to yours; however, we reserve the right to refuse links that we deem inappropriate or prejudicial to our business. Unless permission is given in writing, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any manner the material on this website; including text, graphics, code and/or software. RIGHTS RESERVED: We do our best to be 100% honest and respectful toward you in our sales and business and ask for the same honesty and respect in return. We reserve the right to terminate any and all business, transactions and/or dealings with people who have failed to disclose important information, deviated from signed contracts, and/or exhibited disrespectful conduct or language to any Prairie Silver employee. We reserve the right to refuse to sell, breed or do business with any person, at any time, for any reason we deem justified. NOTE: All of our horses are calm, good natured and easy to handle when they leave our property. We are not responsible for the manner in which a horse may behave in reaction to the handling and/or treatment of that horse by new handlers after the horse leaves our property. DEFINITIONS:  Exposed Mare - Mare that has been exposed (bred) to a Prairie Silver Stallion but has not been confirmed in foal by a vet. Many of our mares are listed for sale as exposed to one of our stallions. In this instance, the price is for the mare only, any foal resulting from the breeding is a bonus; however, we do not guarantee that a foal will result. Once a deposit to purchase has been made, the buyer is welcome to ask for a vet ultrasound on the mare at their own expense. Confirmed Mare In Foal - Mare that has been confirmed in foal by veterinary ultrasound, palpation or other traditional means.   Open Mare - Mare that has not been bred.
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